
How much does it cost to raise a child?

Kini News Lab | Sep 25, 2024

High cost of raising children is oft-cited as the reason for declining fertility rates. But just how much is it? Let’s explore.

Declining fertility rates in Malaysia have raised alarm bells over the past years.

According to the Department of Statistics, only three states in Malaysia have birth rates which are equal to or greater than the replacement rate of 2.1. This means that in general, women in Malaysia have fewer than two children.

The cost of raising children is often cited as a major factor for smaller families. So how much does it really cost? Let’s explore.

How much of your household income is taken up by the cost of raising a child?

To find out, please put in your household income.

The default is RM6,338, the median household income in 2022. Please type or use the slider if your household income differs.
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For median-income households, the figure is RM254,304. That much could buy property or a vehicle in cash, or reap commendable earnings in investment interests.